How to make disinfectant at home.

Published by mubinansari on

How to Make Disinfectant at Home

What is disinfectant ?

Disinfectants are antimicrobial agent . In order to inactivate or destroy bacteria on any surfaces disinfectants are designed. Sanitizers are less efficient than disinfectants in killing germs. Therefore, it is widely used in dental surgeries, kitchens, hospitals, and bathrooms to kill micro organisms.

Not only in health care settings but also in the hospitals for cleaning rooms and surgery tools consumes hydrogen peroxides. Bleaches, oxidizing agents, and alcohols are considered as the most common disinfectants. It is referred to as that we may not eliminate all the micro-organisms by the disinfectants. It becomes difficult to kill the micro-organisms that become resistant to the disinfectants. Undoubtedly Higher concentration of disinfectants is used for maximum results.

How does it work ?

Disinfectants works rapidly kill bacteria. They kill off the bacteria by causing the proteins to become damaged and outer layers of the bacteria cell to rupture. The DNA material subsequently leaks out and die.

What is antiseptic ?

An antiseptic is an antimicrobial substance that is applied to open wound. The use of antiseptic reduces the possibility of a lot of complications. Because of the medicinal properties of antiseptics, they have the ability to enter the lymphatic system of the patient and destroy the bacteria that are present within the body.

There are a lot of uses of antiseptics that include the cleaning of wounds, the preparation of a site before a surgical procedure, or an injection. They also have a usage in disinfecting the furniture surfaces and the instruments.

Antiseptic Disinfectant :

Antiseptic disinfectants made using antiseptic agent. Indeed it is evident that most common antiseptics internally are Dettol,Savlon,etc.

Ingredients and steps :

  • Spray bottle
  • Antiseptic disinfectant
  • Water


  • Fill the spray bottle with tap water .
  • Put 1 full cap of disinfectant
  • Shake the bottle and we are good to go .

Watch full video below for step by step process.

You can make two or three for using it indoor and especially outdoor. Keep one on shoe rack so that once you enter home use it to disinfectant keys .Last not but not the least you clean door handles. Also any parcel received from outside ,bags ,etc

Check out the video on youtube on Mubin’s Manual channel.


Mubin Ansari is a Digital Marketing and CMS specialist, who holds a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering. He graduated from Pune University in May 2013 with distinction. Certified Digital Marketing and Doctorate in Management Studies. Marketing mind, ambitious, exploring the world. He enjoys cooking, microblogging, teaching, and learning new skills. Whenever he is not blogging you can find him exploring the world with his amazing family.

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Mubin Ansari is a Digital Marketing and CMS specialist, who holds a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering. He graduated from Pune University in May 2013 with distinction. Certified Digital Marketing and Doctorate in Management Studies. Marketing mind, ambitious, exploring the world. He enjoys cooking, microblogging, teaching, and learning new skills. Whenever he is not blogging you can find him exploring the world with his amazing family.

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