Lockdown essentials -Grocery Check List

Published by mubinansari on

Sorry for posting it super late , but you wont regret referring the list .You can use the list below as a check list before you go shopping Lockdown Essential Grocery. I will admit the list is quite extensive and you will need to customize it as per your needs. But it pretty much covers all the necessities so it’s unlikely you will miss anything before Lockdown Essential Grocery.

Essential Food Items :

  • Rice
  • Wheat
  • Oats
  • Beans and lentils
  • Cooking Oil
  • Salt / Sugar /Spices
  • Jam / cheese cpread /butter/nutella etc .
  • Milk ( Tetra- Pack )

Above listed items are essential and you can manage for atleast 2 to 3 weeks so buy it according to number of family members .Rest you can buy as optional or as an add on.

Optional :

  • Vegetables
  • Chicken/meat
  • Coffee / Tea
  • Chocolates (if you love sweets)
  • Baking items (baking flour, baking power, flavor essence, chocolate chip, eggs, oil, baking sheet, baking tray)
  • Whip cream
  • Chips
  • Biscuits
  • Frozen food items (although I would not recommend them as they aren’t healthy)

Its 21 days ofcourse you will need optional items as you cannot eat same food daily.You can try new recipes and try baking for your new start up which you are planning to start after retirement 😉.

Non food items:

  • Sanitary napkins/tissues
  • Disinfectant | Disinfectant wipes
  • Hand sanitizers
  • Toileteries
  • Face mask
  • Gloves

Special needs :

  • Sanitary pads
  • Waxing items/razors
  • Pantyliners
  • Face scrubs and other beauty products if you plan to pamper yourself.

For Kids :

  • Diapers
  • Wet Wipes
  • Biscuits
  • Milk formula
  • Toys / Sketch books
  • Paracetamol syrup or suppository

Medications :

If you are on regular medications please get it on top priority because other things can be delayed .As a precautionary measure below is the check list :

  • Paracetamol tablet
  • Antihistamine like chlorphniramine tablet for running nose.
  • Strepsils
  • Manuka Honey to boost your immunity
  • Insulin if you are diabetic

Avoid any NSAID (Non Steroids Anti Inflammatory Drugs) like ibuprofen and diclofenac especially if think you have the symptoms for corona covid 19

you can also consider buying air fresheners, hair mask, hair dyes, etc. You can add canvas and coloring books for painting, books, and magazines for your self and kids. Weights, an exercise mat, jumping rope, and other exercise items if you plan to workout during the lockdown.

Indians can order grocery of JIO mart .


Mubin Ansari is a Digital Marketing and CMS specialist, who holds a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering. He graduated from Pune University in May 2013 with distinction. Certified Digital Marketing and Doctorate in Management Studies. Marketing mind, ambitious, exploring the world. He enjoys cooking, microblogging, teaching, and learning new skills. Whenever he is not blogging you can find him exploring the world with his amazing family.


Mubin Ansari is a Digital Marketing and CMS specialist, who holds a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering. He graduated from Pune University in May 2013 with distinction. Certified Digital Marketing and Doctorate in Management Studies. Marketing mind, ambitious, exploring the world. He enjoys cooking, microblogging, teaching, and learning new skills. Whenever he is not blogging you can find him exploring the world with his amazing family.

1 Comment

Saubz · March 26, 2020 at 1:20 pm

Cool. Helpful list

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error: Try your own ideas😤