#SOS CORONA in India

I hope you are reading this in your self-isolation mode. Most of the people think that this virus is a joke as we Indians have ” jo hoga dekha jayega ” attitude. Half of the people don’t know about the pandemic and they think it won’t reach them. Especially corona virus in India could be very dangerous due to this. To explain the importance of self-isolation in simple terms consider your laptop and virus-infected USB that you borrowed from your friend. The virus will not go inside your laptop unless you insert USB on your laptop.
The virus will not go inside your laptop unless you insert USB in your laptop.
If you have anti-virus in your laptop it will detect the virus and will try to delete it as your anti-virus knows the type of threats. But if its new virus, it will not be detected as a threat unless the virus infects /corrupt your files. Now, our body is like a computer/laptop and has its natural anti-virus to fight against external threats. Corona is new virus that our natural anti-virus doesn’t know yet and it takes time for our body to counter-attack.
Across the globe, there is a huge shortage of beds, medical staff, medical equipment due to this pandemic. Your clapping and dancing in the balcony will not help the doctors. And I am afraid that people will come on the road after the janta curfew as a celebration for defeating coronasur.
Corona virus in India
Indian population is about 1.37 to 1.4 Billion and its responsibility of each and every Indian to stop this pandemic. Do not neglect the instructions provided by the WHO and local health authorities. Italy is trying to warn us about their mistake, they had to call the military for carrying the dead bodies.
5986 new cases and 627 new deaths in Italy have been reported in the last 24 hours because they neglected it. Please try to understand the situation and contribute to the safety of your fellow Indians. India is one of the best countries in the world but resources are limited. Hence let the government utilize it in the best optimum solution. Masks are out of stock, thermal detectors are out of stock, infrared guns are out of stock, etc, how do we cope with this?
Apart from this, corona positive patients are detected by the SWAB test. SWAB test takes about 3-4 hours usually. But in such pandemic, labs are fully occupied and its taking 2- 3 days for the results. Doctors need lab results for the conclusion and final diagnosis. Patients can wait at home or hospital but the virus will not wait. If the patient stays at the hospital we will need more beds and if he goes home he needs to be in isolation. But do we have enough beds? Are we prepared?
Do not blame the government, it’s you !!! yes it’s you, you didn’t ask for a better health facility, better infrastructure, better schools etc.
Well you can think about bringing the change. You can raise your voice and start a blog.