Poor little boy.

Poor lad,who probably doesn’t know about Hindu Muslim or any other religion.A dark memory will stay forever in his subconscious mind about the genocide happened around him.He heard the slogan ” Jai Shree Ram ” and it will haunt him for ages.He got the wrong impression about majority in the country.
Dear poor little boy this country belongs to you as much as it belongs to other Indians. How do we restore faith in him? How do we restore the faith of people who got affected by this pogrom?
Destruction and construction keep happening,but how one can build the Will power to start over again for poor little boy ? https://www.instagram.com/p/B9FENIMnMq7/
#delhiriots #muslimgenocide #delhi2020
Delhi Riots: Hindutwa Terrorist
On 24th February, an armed gang of more than 100 right-wing goons led by Jai Bhagwan Goyal attacked Muslims. They are undoubtedly members of the ruling right-wing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Terrorist attacked several Muslim neighborhoods situated in northeast Delhi. It lasted for over 72 hours, shameful police and politicians were in deep sleep.
At least 42 people have killed and over 140 people grievously injured. The goons unleashed an atmosphere of terror by destroying local Mosques. Not only they attack the mosques they also committed acts of arson against Muslim owned establishments. They also set on fire a number of neighborhoods.
Remembering 2002 Genocide
This act of pogrom against Muslims reminded us of the 2002 Genocide. In 2020, reports of many incidences of sexual violence against Muslim women was high. The goons broke into Muslim homes targetting women and children. Hindus who supported Muslim families during the violence was also gravely injured and killed.
The attacks were incited by none other than BJP leader Kapil Mishra to crackdown on peaceful protestors. The protestors sit-ins led by the Muslims against the exclusionary and discriminatory Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA), 2019. This act is undoubtedly fascist which will render millions of Muslims stateless. The attacks are carried out with full state impunity.
In some instances, the Delhi Police stood back as spectators of the gruesome violence. Second, it actively colluded with the goons in brutalizing the peaceful Muslim protesters. The attacks were part of a process that seeks to realize the rabidly fascist project of the BJP government. This fascist move aims to establish an upper-caste Hindu Nation. Here, one can witness all ten stages of genocide as outlined by Genocide Watch, including organization, persecution, discrimination, and dehumanization.
Repression of Muslims, Dalit-Bahujans, human rights activists, journalists, and intellectuals, have been historically aid and abetted by the BJP. Its ideological mastermind is none other than Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). The pace and the nature of repression against minorities have only intensified since May 2019 when the BJP came to power for a second term.